52 research outputs found

    Infrastructuring for cultural commons

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    In this doctoral dissertation, I inquire into the ways in which Participatory Design (PD) and digital design endeavors can contribute to wider public access to, and use of, digital cultural heritage. I advocate for an approach according to which digital cultural heritage is arranged and understood as cultural commons, and for more collaborative modes of social care for and governance of the commons. In addition to the empirically grounded findings and proposals contained in six individual research articles, I develop a theoretical framework that combines scholarship on Information Infrastructures, Commons and PD. Against this framework I interrogate how the information infrastructures and conditions that surround digital cultural heritage can be active in constructing and contributing to cultural commons. While doing this, I draw attention to the gap that exists between on the one hand official institutional digital cultural heritage collections, systems and practices, and on the other hand the digital platforms and practices through which everyday people create, curate and share digital cultural works. In order to understand how to critically and productively bridge this gap, I present insights gained from conducting three design research cases that engage both cultural heritage institutions and everyday media users. Building upon this empirical work, and latching on to scholarship on the notion of infrastructuring, I propose four infrastructuring strategies for cultural commons: probing and building upon the installed base, stimulating and simulating design and use through gateways, producing and pooling shared resources, and, lastly, fostering and shaping a commons culture that supports commoning. In exploring these strategies, I map the territory between commons and infrastructuring, and connect these notions to the PD tradition. I do so to sketch the design principles for a design orientation, commons design. I assert that these principles can be useful for advancing PD, and can inform future initiatives, aid in identifying infrastructural challenges, and in finding and confirming an orientation to participatory design activities. Drawing on my practical design work, I discuss requirements for professional designers operating on commons frameworks and with collective action. By doing this, my dissertation not only breaks new theoretical ground through advancing theoretical considerations relevant to contemporary design research, especially the field of PD, but also contributes practical implications useful for professional digital media design practice, especially for designers working in the fields of digital culture and cultural heritage

    Asiakaslehtinen Promedin päiväkirurgian yksikön asiakkaille

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    Tämän toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa asiakaslehtinen Promedin päiväkirurgian yksikköön. Opinnäytetyössä käydään läpi teorian pohjalta potilasohjeita sekä perioperatiivisen potilaan hoitopolkua. Asiakaslehtisen tarkoituksena on kertoa asiakaslähtöisesti mitä päiväkirurgian yksikössä tapahtuu ja miten päiväkirurgian asiakkaaksi tullaan. Asiakaslehtinen on suunnattu ensisijaisesti asiakkaille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita saamaan tietoa Promedin päiväkirurgisen yksikön palveluista. Opinnäytetyön teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä on määritelty keskeiset käsitteet, jonka pohjalta asiakaslehtinen on tuotettu. Keskeisinä käsitteinä opinnäytetyössä oli potilas, perioperatiivinen hoitotyö, päiväkirurgia, hoitoketju sekä hoitopolku. Opinnäytetyön pohjalta tuotettiin asiakaslehtinen, joka kertoo Promedin päiväkirurgian yksiköstä asiakaslähtöisesti. Asiakaslehtinen hyväksytettiin tilaajalla sekä toteutettiin yhteistyössä Promedin päiväkirurgian yksikön vastaavan sairaanhoitajan kanssa, jotta asiakaslehtinen palvelisi tilaajan toiveita ja tarpeita mahdollisimman hyvin.The purpose of this practice-based bachelor's thesis was to produce a customer leaflet for Promedi's Day Surgery Unit. The thesis deals with patient guidelines as well as the pathway for the perioperative patient. The purpose of the customer leaflet is to communicate customer-oriented what is happening in day surgery and how to become a day surgery patient. The customer leaflet is primarily aimed at customers who are interested in getting information on the services of the Promedi Day Surgery Unit. The theoretical framework of the thesis defines the key concepts on which the customer leaflet was produced. The key concepts in the thesis were patient, perioperative nursing, day surgery, care chain and treatment path. Based on the thesis project, a customer leaflet was produced, which tells customer-oriented about the Promedi Day Surgery Unit. The customer leaflet was approved by the customer and was carried out in cooperation with the corresponding nurse of Promedi's Day Surgery Unit so that the customer leaflet would serve the customer's wishes and needs as well as possible

    Abelhas, drones e outras Coisas no espaço público: fazendo estratégias na cidade

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    In this article we explore some emerging strategizing practices that citizens use for the development of their immediate urban fabric. We make use of our experiences and engagements with two citizen-driven initiatives in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The first case attempts to rethink uses and actors of public space by creating viable conditions for the emergence of urban gardening in public spaces. The second initiative is engaged in a political discussion of the boundaries of participation, cultural appropriation and ownership of city space. We discuss and reflectively analyze some of their strategizing practices, as forms of infrastructuring, commoning and patchworking. The cases shed light on forms of designing that are enacted collectively through mobilizing particular concerns and caring approaches. We conclude by highlighting aspects made visible in the cases that can give a sense of direction for exercising forms of continuous, open-ended design that are attentive to the collective construction of Things.Keywords: city-making, citizen participation, infrastructuring, patchworking, commoning.Neste artigo, exploramos algumas práticas estratégicas emergentes que os cidadãos utilizam para o desenvolvimento do tecido urbano ao seu redor. Usamos nossas experiências e engajamento em duas iniciativas lideradas pelos cidadãos em Helsinki, capital da Finlândia. O primeiro caso é relativo às tentativas de repensar os usos e os atores do espaço público através da criação das condições de viabilidade para o surgimento de jardinagem urbana em espaços públicos. A segunda iniciativa faz parte de uma discussão política dos limites de participação, apropriação cultural e do espaço da cidade. Discutimos e analisamos algumas de suas práticas estratégicas, como formas de infraestrutura, commoning e patchworking. Os casos lançam luz sobre as formas de fazer design que são realizadas coletivamente através da mobilização em torno de preocupações específicas e por meio de abordagens de cuidado. Concluímos destacando aspectos tornados visíveis nos casos que podem indicar um caminho para desenvolver processos de design contínuos, open-ended que focam na construção coletiva das Coisas.Palavras-chave: city-making, participação cidadã, infraestruturação, patchworking, commoning

    Abelhas, drones e outras Coisas no espaço público: fazendo estratégias na cidade

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    In this article we explore some emerging strategizing practices that citizens use for the development of their immediate urban fabric. We make use of our experiences and engagements with two citizen-driven initiatives in Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The first case attempts to rethink uses and actors of public space by creating viable conditions for the emergence of urban gardening in public spaces. The second initiative is engaged in a political discussion of the boundaries of participation, cultural appropriation and ownership of city space. We discuss and reflectively analyze some of their strategizing practices, as forms of infrastructuring, commoning and patchworking. The cases shed light on forms of designing that are enacted collectively through mobilizing particular concerns and caring approaches. We conclude by highlighting aspects made visible in the cases that can give a sense of direction for exercising forms of continuous, open-ended design that are attentive to the collective construction of Things.Keywords: city-making, citizen participation, infrastructuring, patchworking, commoning.Neste artigo, exploramos algumas práticas estratégicas emergentes que os cidadãos utilizam para o desenvolvimento do tecido urbano ao seu redor. Usamos nossas experiências e engajamento em duas iniciativas lideradas pelos cidadãos em Helsinki, capital da Finlândia. O primeiro caso é relativo às tentativas de repensar os usos e os atores do espaço público através da criação das condições de viabilidade para o surgimento de jardinagem urbana em espaços públicos. A segunda iniciativa faz parte de uma discussão política dos limites de participação, apropriação cultural e do espaço da cidade. Discutimos e analisamos algumas de suas práticas estratégicas, como formas de infraestrutura, commoning e patchworking. Os casos lançam luz sobre as formas de fazer design que são realizadas coletivamente através da mobilização em torno de preocupações específicas e por meio de abordagens de cuidado. Concluímos destacando aspectos tornados visíveis nos casos que podem indicar um caminho para desenvolver processos de design contínuos, open-ended que focam na construção coletiva das Coisas.Palavras-chave: city-making, participação cidadã, infraestruturação, patchworking, commoning

    Identification as Process in Participatory Design

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    In this workshop we invite participants to discuss and map techniques, approaches and principles to address processes of identification in Participatory Design endeavors. The key objective of the workshop is to present identification as process as a concept to think with, and to explore how different lenses can engage workshop participants in thinking about participatory design endeavors in connection to this concept. As the outcome the workshop participants produce set of principles for identification as process for PD work

    Design for Sustainability Transitions: Reflections on Practice

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    El diseño de transición o diseño para transiciones de sostenibilidad se reconoce como un área emergente de investigación y práctica de diseño. Aunque se estudió y practicó como parte de consorcios de investigación durante un tiempo, el diseño para transiciones ha comenzado a ser adoptado recientemente por profesionales y consultoras de diseño con solo unos pocos ejemplos en todo el mundo.Transition Design or design for sustainability transitions is acknowledged as an emerging design research and practice area. Although studied and practiced as part of research consortiums for a while, design for transitions has only recently started to be adopted by design practitioners and consultancies with only few examples worldwide.O design de transição ou design para transições de sustentabilidade é reconhecido como uma área emergente de pesquisa e prática de design. Embora estudado e praticado como parte de consórcios de pesquisa por um tempo, o design para transições só recentemente começou a ser adotado por profissionais e consultorias de design com apenas alguns exemplos em todo o mundo

    Hoidon seurannan tietorakenteiden konsepti

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    Hoidon seurannan tietorakenteiden konsepti kokoaa yhteen tiedon nykyisistä hoidossa kirjattavista tiedoista ja tietorakenteista. Kokonaisuus sisältää tiedot kansallisista tietorakenteista sekä suuntaa lähivuosien hoidon seurannan tietorakenteiden kehittämisestä ja käyttöönottojen vaiheistusta. Konseptissa esitetään tavoitetila ja sen saavuttamiseksi tunnistetut kehittämisvaihtoehdot. Konseptointi on tehty osana Kestävän kasvun ohjelmaa. (Next Generation EU).Julkaisun sähköinen versio:https://yhteistyotilat.fi/wiki08/display/JULHOSE</a

    Spatially varying peatland initiation, Holocene development, carbon accumulation patterns and radiative forcing within a subarctic fen

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    High latitude peatlands act as globally important carbon (C) sinks and are in constant interaction with the atmosphere. Their C storage formed during the Holocene. In the course of time, the aggregate effect of the C fluxes on radiative forcing (RF) typically changes from warming to cooling, but the timing of this shift varies among different peatlands. Here we investigated Holocene peatland development, including vegetation history, vertical peat growth and the lateral expansion of a patterned subarctic fen in northern Finland by means of multiple sampling points. We modelled the Holocene RF by combining knowledge on past vegetation communities based on plant macrofossil stratigraphies and present in situ C flux measurements. The peatland initiated at ca. 9500 calibrated years Before Present (cal yr BP), and its lateral expansion was greatest between ca. 9000 and 7000 cal yr BP. After the early expansion, vertical peat growth proceeded very differently in different parts of the peatland, regulated by internal and external factors. The pronounced surface microtopography, with high strings and wet (larks, started to form only after ca. 1000 cal yr BP. C accumulation within the peatland recorded a high degree of spatial variability throughout its history, including the recent past. We applied two flux scenarios with different interpretation of the initial peatland development phases to estimate the RF induced by C fluxes of the fen. After ca. 4000 cal yr BP, at the latest, the peatland RF has been negative (cooling), mainly driven by C uptake and biomass production, while methane emissions had a lesser role in the total RF. Interestingly, these scenarios suggest that the greatest cooling effect took place around ca. 1000 cal yr BP, after which the surface microtopography established. The study demonstrated that despite the high spatial heterogeneity and idiosyncratic behaviour of the peatland, the RF of the studied fen followed the general development pattern of more southern peatlands. Holocene climate variations and warm phases did not seem to induce any distinctive and consistent peatland-scale patterns in C accumulation, whereas our data suggests that the changes in vegetation related to autogenic succession were reflected in the C accumulation patterns and RF more clearly. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe